TwinTree Insert

Acrónimos y abreviaciones

El idioma de la mayoría de las publicaciones científicas sobre resonancia magnética es el inglés. Por ello, hemos incluido "acrónimos y abreviaciones" en inglés.



A Ampere
ADC [1] analogue-to-digital converter,
[2] apparent diffusion coeffcient
ADP adenosine diphosphatase
AFP adiabatic fast passage
AM amplitude modulated (frequency range)
ARP adiabatic rapid passage; → AFP
ASSET array spatial sensitivity encoding technique
ASL arterial spin labeling
ATP adenosine triphosphatase
AUC area under the curve

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b diffusion sensitivity (s/mm²)
B magnetic flux density, magnetic induction
B0 main magnetic field of an MR machine
B1 main magnetic field that the spins
experience after an RF pulse
BBB blood brain barrier
BIR balanced inversion recovery
BOLDblood oxygen level dependent (effect)

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C carbon; also: contrast; concentration
CA contrast agent
CAT x-ray computed axial tomography (CT)
CBF cerebral blood flow
CBV cerebral blood volume
CE-FAST contrast-enhanced Fourier-acquired steady state
CE-FFE T1 contrast-enhanced fast field echo (T1-weighted)
CE-FFE T2 contrast-enhanced fast field echo (T2-weighted)
CE-FLASH contrast-enhanced FLASH; → FLASH
CE-GRE contrast-enhanced gradient echo
CHESS chemical-shift selective pulse sequence
CM contrast medium
CMR cardiac magnetic resonance
CNR (C/N) contrast-to-noise ratio
CP Carr-Purcell (multiple echo pulse sequence)
CPMG Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (multiple echo pulse sequence)
CSE conventional spin echo (= SE)
CSF cerebrospinal fluid
CSFFE continguous-slice fast-acquisition spin echo
CSI chemical shift imaging
CT x-ray computed tomography
CTA x-ray computed tomography angiography
CW continuous wave (N)MR

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D diffusion coefficient
DAC digital-to-analogue converter
db decibel
DE FGR driven-equilibrium fast gradient-recalled
acquisition in the steady state
DEFAISE dual-echo fast-acquisition interleaved spin echo
DESS double-echo stead- state (combination of FISP and PSIF)
DFSE double-fast spin echo
DICOM digital imaging and communication in medicine
DSA x-ray digital subtraction angiography
DSE double spin echo
DTI diffusion-tensor imaging
DWI diffusion-weighted imaging
Dy dysprosium

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ECF extracellular fluid (space)
ECG (EKG) electrocardiogram
EEG electroencephalogram
eff. TE effective echo time (RSE)
ELF extreme low frequency (electromagnetic radiation)
EPI echo-planar imaging
EPR electron paramagnetic resonance = ESR
ES echo spacing (RSE)
ESR electron spin resonance = EPR
E-SHORT steady-state gradient echo with spin-echo sampling
ETL echo-train length (RSE)
EPISTAR echo-planar imaging and signal targeting with alternating radiofrequency

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f frequency; commonly ν
F fluorine
FA flip angle; → α
FADE FASE acquisition double echo
FAIR flow-sensitive alternating inversion-recovery
FAME fast-acquisition multi-echo
FASE fast spin echo
FAST Fourier-acquired steady state
FATE fast turbo echo (= FADE)
FC flow compensation
Fe iron (ferrum)
FE field echo
FEDIF field echo with echo time set
for water and fat signals in opposition
FEER field even-echo by reversal
FESUM field echo with echo time set
for water and fat signals in phase
FFE fast field echo
FFT fast Fourier transform
FGR fast gradient-recalled acquisition in the steady state
FID free induction decay
FIESTA fast imaging employing steady-state acquisition
FISP fast imaging with steady precession
FLAIR fluid-attenuated inversion recovery
FLARE fast low-angle recalled echo
FLASH fast low-angle shot
FM frequency modulated (frequency range)
fMRI functional MR imaging
FOV field of view
FRE field-reversal echo
FS [1] fast scan; [2] fat saturation
FSE fast spin echo
F-SHORT free (induction decay based) short repetition technique
FSPGR fast spoiled gradient-recalled
FT Fourier transform; (2D-FT, 3D-FT)
FWHM full width at half-maximum